Mindful-Based Interventions for the Mind & Body

Our Parkinson’s Buddy™ app and future lifestyle apps for people with chronic diseases are built around Mindful-Based Interventions (MBI’s) for the mind & body. Many of the exercises and practices are adaptable for people with different levels of physical and cognitive function, and can be done in the comfort of one’s own home.

Some examples of our Mindful-Based Interventions

  1. Meditations to help improve sleep, cognitive function, self-acceptance and more.

  2. Qigong, an age-old practice that harnesses the power of breath, movement, and intention setting to create health and balance within the body.

  3. Instant Relief Exercises, short, on-demand interventions for stress and anxiety.

  4. Parkinson’s Power Moves, movements aimed at improving motor function through large, exaggerated movements.

    Users can also access Tai-Chi, Dr. Coomer’s PD exercise videos, shadow-boxing, and many other MBI’s to find the one that suits you best. Access will be by video, text, and more.